When Good Toons Go Bad: Villains of Animation Group Art Show
Presented by: Van Eaton Galleries
13613 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks CA 91423
Curated by: Phillip Graffham
November 15 through November 29, 2014.
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 6pm–10pm
October 15, 2014
Contact: Mike Van Eaton or Phillip Graffham
When Good Toons Go Bad: Villains of Animation Group Art Show
Van Eaton Galleries in Sherman Oaks, CA (Los Angeles) will present When Good Toons Go Bad: Villains of Animation on Saturday, November 15th, 6:00pm to 10:00pm at 13613 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks CA 91423. The show will be a tribute to all the villains from animated films and cartoons. The show will feature original artwork by more than 100 artists, animators, illustrators and designers. The show includes animators from studios such as Walt Disney, DreamWorks, Warner Bros, Cartoon Network, and Fox, just to name a few.

Participating artists include Aidan Casserly, Alina Chau, Allison Krumwiede, Andreas Deja, A.R., Art Fuentes, Ashley Long, Becca Balistreri, Baron Von Genius, Ben Montes, Ben Von Strawn, Bob Elias, Bob Lizarraga, Bobby Rojas, Brandon Morino, Bridget McCarty, Britni Brault, Bruce Gossett, Bryan Cunningham, Calab Paullus, Candy, Carl Lozada, Carol Powell, Chad Lenzi, Chad Scheres, Charlie Inkbomber, Chris Mason, Chris Scardino, Christine M Nockels, Dan Szczepanski, Daniel Killen, Dave Avanzino, Dave K., Dave Nimitz, David Bird, David Derks, David MacDowell, Dee Schiller, Dennis Salvatier, Doug P'gosh, Edwin Aguilar, Enrique Pita, Eric Kurland, Frank Forte, Franz Keller, G. Allen Black, Gabi De la Merced, Gary Clair, Gavin Freitas, Geoff Trapp, Gerald Mendez, GP Watson, Grasiela Rodriguez, Gris Grimly, Iraj Paran, Jaime Fortunato Jimenez, James C. Mulligan, James T. Walker, Jason Chalker, Jason Lopez, Jason Peltz, Javier Soto, Jeffrey Rebner, Jimmy Pickering, Joe Vaux, Johnny Daniels, Jorge Baeza, Julian Chaney, Juliana Martinez, Kali Fontecchio, Kaya Dzankich, Ken “KEMO” Morgan, Kevin Graham, Kirsten Sjursen-Lien, Kristina Bustamante, Krystopher Sapp, Lee Petty, Lisa Penz, Maddy Zusmer O'Neill, Mark Bodnar, Mark Covell, Mark Hamer, Mark Hammermeister, Mark Tavares, Mark Van Klaveren, Michael Loya, Michael Pahlow, Mick Cassidy, Mike Amos, Miles Thompson, Mojo Foster, NESSHEAD, Nico Colaleo,Nicole Aguilar-Copp, Patrick Owsley, Rask Opticon, Rick Farmiloe, Robert Iza, Rubén Alcalde Crespo, Ruben Hickman, Rubén Procopio, Rusty Watkins, Sam Michlap, Sandi Calistro, Sangeun Song,Shaunna Peterson, Shelli Weldon, Snow Mack, Sotero Manny Elias, Spike Brandt, SQUINDO,Stephen Sandoval, Steve Casino, Thom Foolery, Tim Spain, TJ Novy, Trevor Zammit, Yakovetic, and Zach Bellissimo.
The exhibit will feature works in a variety of media including painting, sculpture, fabric & digital art. Participating artists include award winning animator Andreas Deja (The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, The Lion King), Emmy Award winning animator/director James T. Walker (Samurai Jack, DC’s Justice League, Super Friends, The Transformers). The show will also feature Johnny Daniels of “Daniels Woodland”. Johnny and his twin brother Ron star in the Animal Planet reality series “Redwood Kings”. Johnny’s contribution to the show will be a large wooden sculpture carved with a chainsaw! The exhibit is free and open to the public.